
Showing posts from May, 2023

(Un)Ethics in Kronenwetter- Why was this report hidden from the public?

    Update:   The information below was posted before the May 22, 2023 Village Board meeting. At that meeting President Voll delayed discussion on the issue, citing his personal confusion as to what this agenda item was to address.     I was prepared to present my reasons for clearing this issue off the Board's radar, and I believe Mr Vedvik was ready to discuss the issue as well, but as a courtesy to President Voll, we agreed to delay discussion and repost the item on the next Board meeting agenda so Voll could have time to get his act together. Below is the original post from May 22:        _________________________________________________________________    A group of about 8-10 core members apparently calling themselves "Concerned Citizens for a Better Kronenwetter" (CCBK) has made many vague and unsubstantiated claims, innuendo, and accusations of ethics violations against the Village Board for the past year or so, about e...

My Ethics Complaint to President Voll March 4, 2021 - No Reply

  This is the text of a March, 2021 email to Chris Voll, complete with typos. A few notes for clarification are added and highlighted in  yellow. President Voll,    Below is the complaint against Mr Downey that he requested at the retreat that I  write up . I know it is a bit long, but the full narrative needed to be presented, along with evidence for all aspects of the complaint.       I have at least 3 other major complaints to make from 2020, in addition to one for this current handling of the Strand contract. They will come as time allows. While you can consider this information with his evaluation, I'm sure you'll realize that the nature and scope of this complaint goes far beyond the evaluation level.     I'm sending this complaint to you  to read through , and I’ll leave it for you to decide who you want to send it to, and how you're going to deal with it. As you’ll see, there is quite a bit more here than just ordi...