
Showing posts from April, 2022

Nextdoor Chronicles #1 The Forum and bigger issues

  ken charneski Kronenwetter • 17 hr ago   A candidates view of the forum.  In general, I think many questions were mundane enough, however there were a couple of clearly tendentious questions from the audience that provided a soapbox for one candidate's negative campaigning about some vague, personal beef she suddenly has with Village Board “leadership”, and employee turnover.     The questions came from the audience in written form, and the forum committee decided which ones would be presented. I was disappointed to find out afterward that some very pertinent and even-handed questions from the audience were ignored while they took new questions more amenable to more liberal ideologies.     The format of the forum was such, that 90 seconds gave plenty of time for someone to make false claims and accusations without substantiating them, while that same time frame made it nearly impossible to decisively rebut such claims with the factual d...

Nextdoor Chronicles #2 Mr. Fifricks broad brush of defamation

 Out of the blue, Mr. Fifrick names me as a bullying culprit. So I respond. He can't give examples.     Randy Fifrick Kronenwetter • 1 day ago Thank you to the organizers of the Kronenwetter Voters Forum and all those citizens who attended. It was great to interact with everyone and answer your questions as well as listen to the Kronenwetter Village Board candidates. It’s unfortunate that my opponent chose to not participate in the forum and has not responded to local newspapers to answer their requests for candidate information. While we do share common ground on issues, we certainly have vastly different views on many others. It would have been a great opportunity for the voters to compare where we stand on the various issues. I commit to remaining open and transparent regarding where I stand on the issues important to the County, Village, and District residents. Mr. Straub seems content to sit behind his computer and make vague claims about protecting the citizens. ...

Nextdoor Chronicles #3 Skepticism and Discernment

This is a series that includes Nextdoor exchanges that I thought people might be interested in. Skepticism and Discernment   Judi Akey Kronenwetter • 5 days ago Thanks so much to the Village Board (Trustee) Candidates and the County Board Candidates who participated in the Kronenwetter Candidates’ Forum this evening. The audience asked them some good questions and we heard some good responses. I especially want to thank the organizing committee made up of Geri Kowalski, Pat Kilsdonk, Judy Fries, and Judy Hatz. Would work with any one or all of them again any day! And, a special thanks to all the people who attended (some even helped us take down tables, chairs, etc. at evening's end! - that's the kind of people we have in Kronenwetter!) Residents, please continue to learn all you can about the candidates, carefully analyze what you hear, throw in just a bit of healthy skepticism when someone has ALL the answers, and make sure you vote on April 5th. ken charneski • Kronen...

Toxic Campaigning

     There is a quote that goes something like “Adversity doesn't make a person's character; it reveals it”.     2022 is an interesting year in that we actually have real competition in our local election for the first time in many years, and the adversity of election competition has certainly revealed the character of candidates Randy Fifrick for County Supervisor, and Jordyn Wadle-Leff for Village Trustee.     After years in public office Fifrick (county supervisor) and Wadle-Leff (as a citizen committee member) have done nothing worthy of note. Wadle-Leff has not bothered to even attend many committee meetings to which she was assigned, and she often leaves in the middle of others. She has had a conflict of interest complaint filed against her which President Voll has basically refused to deal with, in an apparent effort to shield Wadle-Leff's actions from public awareness.     Fifrick works for the City of Wausau, whic...