Nextdoor Chronicles #3 Skepticism and Discernment

This is a series that includes Nextdoor exchanges that I thought people might be interested in.

Skepticism and Discernment


Thanks so much to the Village Board (Trustee) Candidates and the County Board Candidates who participated in the Kronenwetter Candidates’ Forum this evening. The audience asked them some good questions and we heard some good responses. I especially want to thank the organizing committee made up of Geri Kowalski, Pat Kilsdonk, Judy Fries, and Judy Hatz. Would work with any one or all of them again any day! And, a special thanks to all the people who attended (some even helped us take down tables, chairs, etc. at evening's end! - that's the kind of people we have in Kronenwetter!) Residents, please continue to learn all you can about the candidates, carefully analyze what you hear, throw in just a bit of healthy skepticism when someone has ALL the answers, and make sure you vote on April 5th.

Judi, You said in your post: “carefully analyze what you hear, throw in just a bit of healthy skepticism when someone has ALL the answers,...” I agree! We must develop a sense of discernment to see through those glib answers that often don't provide anything of substance. Personally, I think the ones we should really all be skeptical of, are those candidates who have no intelligent answers at all to village issues, no solutions, nothing to recommend themselves, but who instead choose to parrot vague, baseless accusations as a means of unfounded mudslinging to disparage their opponents. This type of disreputable behavior shows not only a lack of knowledge, but also a lack of character. I have more information on this and other important village issues at Thanks! Ken
ken charneski
Ken, Re: “We must develop a sense of discernment to see through those glib answers....” Anyone who attends or listens to the Committee and Village Board meetings can “discern” the accusatory and hostile tone of many of the comments and questions presented by several current Incumbents on the Village Board. This has been going on for some time and has only gotten worse. If staff members have documented performance deficiencies, make sure that the position description is up-to-date and accurate, that a well-structured performance improvement plan is established, and then set goals for improvement. Monitor those goals objectively instead of maliciously and WORK WITH THE EMPLOYEE and his/her Supervisor. If action is needed, do it humanely and discreetly. Saying in open session that Staff and Committee members need to “grow up”, “develop tougher skin”, stop being so “politically correct”, and “laugh it off” when they are belittled and ridiculed just isn’t the way elected officials should respond to concerns about the behavior of someone’s co-worker (and that’s what Trustees and Committee members are). The meeting atmosphere created by several Trustees is chilling.
ken charneski
Judi Akey
who is it that you are talking about?
So you are talking about Mr. Jaeger and the attempt to run him out of office? Have you seen the evidence that Mr Lesniak, Voll and Downey presented? Not what they said on the recording, but what was actually written? Sure, the stuff was ill-advised and a dumb thing to write, but nowhere near rising to the level of Voll's accusations. Where is the "humane and descreet" treatment, and "goals for improvement" for Mr. Jaeger, that you speak of? It looks like I'm dealing with pure, unabashed hypocrisy here.
    The incident with the email happened 6 months ago, and nothing much said about it. It is clear to me that Voll's complaints, and this little conspiracy to oust Jaeger, only came about because Jaeger filed a conflict of interest complaint against Mr. Leasniak's "chosen" successor. The event of 3/8 was obviously unjust and an attempt to intimidate Mr. Jaeger into silence. 
   Your alleged "victim" did not submit any complaint about it at all, but now at election time her supporters are suddenly milking mud out of it for political purposes.


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