Toxic Campaigning and dirty politics 2.0; The the social media antics of Tony Daino


I thought last year's local election got ugly. Apparently they were just warming up.

Below are my observations and comments on the posts that the propagandists like Tony Daino are putting up on Nextdoor. Here is  the letter he has been promoting in his attempt to affect the upcoming election.

He published on Nextdoor a hit piece letter that he claims was sent to him. This allegedly anonymous letter was full of gross misrepresentation, exploiting the personal tragedies of two of the candidates for use as political fodder. You may notice that it does not contain so much as one single relevant fact relating to the issues facing this village, or the effective positive qualities of the candidates named.

Mr. Daino plays the victim by then claiming his post was deleted by the website,. This turned out to be quite convenient for him and his favored political candidates, Voll, Vedvic, and Eiden, because the deletion also eliminated a TON of comments from decent people critical of the obvious low-life, half-truth smear campaign tactics in his original post.

This mysterious letter that he published, seems to be a rather sad attempt to glean a few much-needed votes for Mr. Voll , Vedvic, & Co,

When political campaigns descend to this low level, the normal, rational voter can rest assured that the purveyors of such material are desperate, and that this attempt at creating negative opinions through dishonest defamation is the best argument that Tony and friends can present.

Apparently having nothing to recommend Mr. Voll or Mr. Vedvic in a positive light, the only choice they have is wanton denigration of others to make their candidates appear to be viable by the created comparison.

In this case, they actually went back 45 years to find something that a candidate allegedly did “wrong”as a kid., and even then they had to embellish the story with false assumptions. Is this the level that Kronenwetter society has come down to?

Personally, if I was running for office and any of my supporters ever tried an asinine stunt like this, I would be the first one in line to condemn them for it and distance myself from the effort. There was nothing like that from Mr. Voll, Vedvic, or Eiden, who were the intended beneficiaries of Mr. Daino's posting.

Regarding the other two candidates targeted by Voll Camp dirty politics, consider the following -

Mr. Guy Fredel is not currently suing the Village, as Daino, Voll, Vedvic, and Eiden have falsely asserted. The documents that Daino posted as “proof” actually proves the opposite. Fredel merely requested on behalf of a client, that the court clarify whether or not the Village's procedure in rezoning is correct. He is actually doing the Village a favor by obtaining this information. I wouldn't mind knowing the facts of this issue myself, and a judge's ruling is the best way to get definitive information.

Mr. Fredel did  file a lawsuit against the Village in the past, but he did it on behalf of quite a number of village residents who were being unjustly and nonsensically having assessments levied against them as determined by the former Village Administrator and Zoning Administrator.

Again, a judge's ruling became necessary because of incompetence of Village employees and the Village President's inability to deal with the dispute.

Mr. Fredel won the case on behalf of Village Residents, but neither the responsible employees or the President were held responsible for the embarassing ruling or the aggressive, stubborn incompetence that caused the lawsuit to become necessary in the first place.

To this day, both Voll and Eiden have openly shown resentment of Mr. Fredel for winning that case. They are currently playing petty personal politics by blackballing Mr Fredel from serving on a committee that he would be an asset to. 

Now that it is election time, they are apparently pulling out all the stops of ethical or honest behavior in order to prevent Mr. Fredel's election as trustee.

Kim Tapper is also a victim of dirty politics by the Voll, Eiden, and Vedvic supporters. They obviously cannot fault Tapper's voting record, so they hypocritically attack him in his private life.

He had medical issues and some of the prescription meds may have made him drowsy at a meeting or two. Big deal.

He had a terribly tragic accident on some ice after returning home from a local bar, and the resultng unconsciousness left him subject to severe frostbite. His political opponents have blown this up into a story of him being falling-down-drunk and deserving of the resulting loss of his leg,, and not fit to be a trustee.

The depraved-heart nature and complete irrelevance of exploiting this man's personal tragedy, reveals the nature of his political opponents.

Daino's post also fails to report that Mr. Tapper has not touched a drop of alcohol since that night, which is more than anyone can say for his opponents.

As for the Mr. Daino's allusions about my own double amputee status,and how that allegedly makes me somehow less qualified to be Village president, I'll let you decide. He has certainly misrepresented the story of my accident 45 years ago.

It appears clear to me that Daino's effort is an absurd attempt to divert attention away from the list of my accomplishments as trustee, and away from Mr. Voll's multi-year run at accomplishing absolutely nothing  as Village President, that circumstances didn't force him to do.


  1. Hi Ken, as a supporter of you, I was wondering if you could clarify which parts of this are specifically false and untrue? I know how much clarity and transparency is important to you.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. CCAP says Straub was granted a certiorari. A certiorari is a review for opinion by a higher court, not litigation for pecuniary damages. Mr. Fredel is handling the certiorari on Straub's behalf.


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