Jaeger's comments on "micromanaging"


   I have been running a clean, positive campaign, but I thought I had better briefly address  some of the opposition's dirty political tactics.

Mr. Jaeger has addressed just the tip of the iceberg about the false "micromanaging" accusation. I will back up his comments with some not-so-pleasant truth.

This may sound like political commentary, but it is actually meant as a public service, being what all Kronenwetter residents should know, no matter who gets elected.

The following is what I have actually done and observed:

Background on the 2022 implosion

Over the past few years I have sent carefully documented complaints to President Voll about the former administrator's incompetence, dishonesty, and misconduct (this means illegal activity).

Mr. Voll consistently did nothing but bury the information and/or shield the administrator from any kind of accountability whatsoever. In doing so, he often also covered up his own culpability in certain matters.

Under this kind of culture of irresponsibility and laxity, confidence in the ability of the leadership (in both the president and administrator) went down the tubes, and office politics became very negative and toxic.

The process took over a year, but by a combination of previous very poor hiring practices, the above-mentioned performance failures, along with with the sub-standard pay scale, the employee meltdown of 2022 became inevitable.

As a political ploy, some of the 2022 election candidates blamed Village Board members (including me) for the management disaster that I had been warning Mr. Voll about for at least two years.

Their idea seems to have been to get elected simply by vilifying the opponents on a contrived issue. That plan obviously failed.

Here we are again in this election with candidates Voll, and village newcomers Vedvik and Coyle, running on issues from the last election that do not exist, except as created by their own propaganda.

Mr. Voll has dusted off the “micro-management” label that helped him win the election 8 years ago, and now he is falsely applying it to his current opponent - me. 

   He has provided no basis for his false accusation, but it seems to be his only choice, since he has yet to provide examples of HIS performance as president that give voters a reason to re-elect him.

So, to Mr. Jaeger's question - “What is micromanagement?” 

  Indeed, what are they even talking about? When exactly did this alleged micromanagement happen, and by whom? Vedvik says “There are tons of examples”.

Oh really? Let's start with an ounce - just one example of what he is talking about. 

Mr Vedvik has spent a full year embarrassing and vilifying the Village of Kronenwetter with false claims, defamation and outright slander. Now he comes to the voters, running on a platform based on Kronenwetter's poor reputation which he himself bears primary responsibility for causing.

I think Mr Vedvik should get the message that Kronenwetter does not appreciate deception or his Madison style politics. 

I could go on, but the election-time rabbit hole is much too deep, dirty, and disgusting.


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