Jaeger's comments on "micromanaging"
I have been running a clean, positive campaign, but I thought I had better briefly address some of the opposition's dirty political tactics. Mr. Jaeger has addressed just the tip of the iceberg about the false "micromanaging" accusation. I will back up his comments with some not-so-pleasant truth. This may sound like political commentary, but it is actually meant as a public service, being what all Kronenwetter residents should know, no matter who gets elected. The following is what I have actually done and observed: Background on the 2022 implosion Over the past few years I have sent carefully documented complaints to President Voll about the former administrator's incompetence, dishonesty, and misconduct (this means illegal activity). Mr. Voll consistently did nothing but bury the information and/or shield the administrator from any kind of accountability whatsoever. In doing so, he often also covered up his own culpability in certain matters. Unde...